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In the holiday house we provide a comprehensive guide to local activities and can help you make reservations. Popular activities are listed below.

Canoe and Kayak

The Dordogne is famous for the long stretches of river with scenic opportunities for leisurely or competitive canoeing. At Pessac-sur-Dordogne you can rent canoes and kayaks with all the safety equipment provided. The canoe centre will transport you up-river for your choice of a full day, half day or just a one-hour trip. There are lots of beautiful spots to stop and picnic as you wind your way back. Next to the canoe hire centre there is a Tapas Bar where you can buy refreshments on your return.


Opportunities for road and mountain biking are abundant. Local motorists are courteous to cyclists which makes trips around the country lanes pleasurable. Hire bikes locally and have them delivered to your door.


There are walking routes from the door. You are free to roam the immaculately maintained vineyards, woods and orchards in the area. An abundance of wildlife and birds can be observed in their natural habitats.


We can point you in the direction of some brilliant sites for accrobranche for all ages.


You can book a round of golf at the courses near Saint Meard, Vigier or Saint Emilion. All within 20km of Claribès.

Natural Water Swimming

Lake swimming is popular in France. There are several lakes within easy reach of Claribès. Many have safe areas for young children. Lifeguards are on duty throughout the summer season. There are walks, picnic areas, cafés and activities. Fishing or watersports are offered at many locations.

For river swimming, there are opportunities along the stretch of Dordogne from Port Sainte-Foy to Pessac-sur-Dordogne. Port Sainte-Foy has a beach with activities and lifeguard supervision in the summer.

River and Lake Fishing

The Dordogne River is a 2nd category river and can be fished all year. Certain species have restricted seasons, for example, the pike/zander and black bass season is May to December. Trout fishing is also closed from September to December. A Fishing Licence can be obtained locally.


There are two hard courts available to the public in Gensac. Courts can be booked through the Mairie.
